Love Directed Interactive Response Pattern

While writing to a friend, I stumbled across another profound concept; that is, a Love Directed Interactive Response Pattern.  Here is an excerpt from that letter.


“When you texted me, “I will send that to the universe,” I found that incredibly profound, because in that statement you were able to release any “fear” in your response by trusting in a higher power.  By trusting in a higher power you are able to engage me feeling “safe” and “content” which results in a default to a Love Directed Response.  I suspect this with perpetuate a Love Directed Response from me and so we might say that you and I have a Love Directed Interactive Response Pattern.  This is not in my book, but may be in my next publication (An ASM Workbook or Handbook?) which you may be coauthoring with me if I have a successful launch with the current book, which I hope can bring healing to a great many people!”

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